Chin Implants in London

Features such as an overly large nose or small chin can cause imbalance in the face, leaving patients critical of their appearance. This can affect a persons confidence and our London clinic is here to help people that wish to pursue a surgical option to rectify such issues. Surgery such as a chin implant is a popular route for people wishing to have a more defined chin or correct a receding chin line. Options for correction include both non surgical and surgical procedures.


Chin Implant London

Fillers can be used to project the chin forward and are a simple solution for those not keen on surgery or, perhaps, wanting to see what difference it might make to their face. With the newer hyaluronic acid fillers now available, a very natural look can be created with minimal discomfort or downtime, normally done within about 15-20 minutes in the clinic. The effects are, of course, only temporary as the fillers will eventually disappear although they can last for up to a year or so. Some patients prefer the thought of using fillers as a trial for a more permanent surgical implant, knowing that the fillers will go after a while.

Chin implant surgery is also carried out at our clinic and is often combined with other types of facial surgery, such as rhinoplasty or facelift surgery. Implants are a simple way of enhancing chin projection and can be used to give a more defined jaw and neckline. Men sometimes prefer a more square jaw and implants can help create this also. Implants are normally inserted through a small incision under the chin and are made out of silicone. A variety of different shapes and sizes are available and our expertise will guide patients through the options and help them reach the best decision.

Is a chin implant the right solution?

Knowing if a chin implant is the right surgery really depends on the individual. We will help to guide patients to make a fully informed choice about the surgery they desire. Often adding a chin implant is needed to ensure the nose does not look too big in comparison and achieving an aesthetic balance is the key to softening facial features to get the best cosmetic result.

There may be occasions when a chin implant is not the best option, often when there are significant other problems such as the patient’s bite being out of line. In such cases, we will advise patients against an implant and work closely with maxillofacial surgeons who will be able to advise about other corrective procedures such as repositioning the jaw bone itself.


During any consultation for surgery at our London facilities, we analyse the whole face to ensure a chin implant would be the best option for the patient. We use state of the art 3 dimensional digital facial imaging to show patients what the effect of having such an implant would be. We also have lots of resources and written information to browse in order to help with the decision.

Post-surgery care

A chin implant operation is typically done as a daycase procedure in our hospital under general anaesthesia, sometimes in combination with other procedures. We will give advice on how to deal with the dressing and what stitches have been put in to secure the wound. Stitches might be dissolvable but patients will still need to attend our clinic for follow up appointments to check progress and results.


With any surgery there can be complications but these are thankfully unusual with chin implant surgery. The main risk is that of getting slight asymmetry if the implant moves in the healing process – this is rare as it is secured into a tight fitting pocket under the skin and stitched in position. A lesser risk is that of infection. Normally antibiotics are given in the post op period but as with any implant, there is a small risk of infection due to the implant itself. Finally there is a risk of some numbness around the chin and lip area associated with stretching of some nerves in this region. Occasionally patients get this as a short term issue but it is very rare to have long term issues with this. Having an implant sitting over of the chin can cause the bone itself to thin a little with time but there are normally no long term consequences of this.

We take great care to ensure a patient is right for any kind of cosmetic surgery before commencing any procedure. Our professional team are on hand to provide support for patients and a full care plan for pre and post surgery is available from the start. It is very important that our care plan is followed after surgery to ensure that any complications are avoided.

Our patients can be assured of an excellent service throughout their contact with us and a thorough surgical process from beginning to end.

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Meet Mr Santdeep Paun

Mr Santdeep Paun

Consultant Nasal and Facial Plastic Surgeon

  • Over 15 years of experience
  • Internationally trained surgeon
  • National and International speaker.
  • Teaching both Medical students and Surgeons.
  • President of the European Board for Certification in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
  • Executive Board Member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery.
  • General Secretary International Board for Certification in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2016
  • First UK based surgeon certified by the new globally recognised International Board of Facial Plastic Surgical Societies.
  • Tatler magazine Best Doctor’s guide as one of the country’s best nose surgeons.